We are commanded to love; How?
There are many issues that we are dealing with as a society today which are the same across the globe. Many such as poverty, lack of education, poor behaviour, and violence are a direct result of generational trauma that is passed on. As a society and governments, we often assess our social problems in monetary terms or through addressing physical needs. We address these problems with short-term solutions that do not address the root cause underlying why people find themselves in these situations. The pillars that society is founded on are trust, cooperation, and working together. These qualities stem directly from caring for one another as a society or – putting it another way – love for each other. For many years generational and inherited trauma has been passed down and, as a society, we have developed coping mechanisms to deal with our issues without actually working through our trauma, perpetuating the cycle. As a society, we opt to throw money at problems instead of putting in the hard work to fix our broken societal contracts. This article will examine case studies of systemic policies re-entrenching the same behaviours and how policies based around providing people with the tools to communicate and learn to love one another will go a long way to healing the structural deficiencies found in the current social structure.
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