Editorial guidance


  • Original research or literature studies can be submitted.
  • Manuscripts of high academic standard are considered for publication provided that the editor reserves the right to make such alterations as he/she sees fit to accommodate the style and presentation to the editorial policy. Should extensive changes be necessary, the manuscript will be returned to the author for correction or approval.
  • Manuscripts are to be submitted in the first instance ready for the press: finally edited, stylistically polished and carefully proofread.
  • Titles should be as short and concise as possible.
  • Articles must be between 6000 and 8000 words.
  • Articles should preferably be divided into subsections with suitable headings.
  • Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided. Acronyms in current use, for example USA, are acceptable. Abbreviations can be used in footnotes and between parentheses.
  • Italics (not bold) may only be used to indicate emphasis, a word or expression from another language, or the title of a book. Underlining of words must be avoided.

Plagiarism and AI

  • All articles will be scrutinized for the possible occurrence of unacceptably high percentages of unoriginal work, quotations which are not properly referenced or plagiarism – we will make use of the electronic program Turnitin. Such articles will be rejected summarily.
  • Articles will be scrutinized for the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools.  The only acceptable use of AI is to assist the author in improving the standard of English of the article (i.e. grammar and spelling assistance).  To assist the editorial team, authors who use AI tools in this way are required to submit their original article together with the article after it has been improved by AI. This will enable the editorial team to assess the extent to which AI has been used, and whether it falls within the acceptable usage.
  • Quotes shorter than 20 words are placed in quotation marks as part of the text. Quotes exceeding 20 words form a separate paragraph indented without quotation marks.


  • The articles are reviewed anonymously by two independent peer reviewers, who are knowledgeable in the particular field. Their reports are considered by the editorial committee that makes the final decision on the acceptance of articles. The author may supply the names of three to four possible reviewers. At least one of these reviewers will be considered, with a second reviewer appointed by the editor.
  • Articles will be reviewed on the following grounds
    • Academic standard (original research, relevancy and clarity of argumentation, structural composition of manuscript, etc.)
    • Theological integrity and relevancy
    • Language and writing style


  • Submitted articles must have a proper referencing system, a full list of sources (bibliography), a brief summary (150 words) and at least four key words for indexing purposes.
    • References in the text:
      References in the text should preferably be in the Harvard or APA style, mentioning only the author's name as follows: (Young 2004:231, 272) or Young (2004:231, 272) alleges that...
      - No comma after the author's surname.
      - No space after the colon.
      - Quotations and references in footnotes are similar to quotations and references in the text
    • Bibliography:
      - Bibliographical details are provided in the literature list and not in footnotes.
      - A complete bibliography in the Harvard style must be provided, giving all relevant details. All sources must be listed alphabetically by authors’ surnames. Only works referred to in the text should be listed in the bibliography. The following is a guideline:
      • Articles:
        Knegt, C., 2018, ‘That Christ be honored: The push for foreign missions in the
        seventeenth-century Reformed Church in the Netherlands’, Puritan Reformed
        Journal 10(2), 263–277.
        - Comma after the surname.
        - Full stops after the initials. If there is more than 1 initial, there is no space between the initials.
        - Use capital letters in the title only where absolutely necessary.
        - Only title of journal is in italics.
        - No spaces between issue number, colon and page numbers.
        - You are welcome to use abbreviations for journals, but should you suspect that the reader will not know which journal is referred to, you may write the title out in full.
      • Books:
        Bosch, D.J., 1991, Transforming mission, paradigm shifts in theology of mission, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY.
        Guder, D.L. (ed.), 1989, Missional church – A vision for the sending of the church in North America, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids.
        - Comma after the surname.
        - Full stops after the initials. If there is more than 1 initial, there is no space between the initials.
        - Use capital letters in the title only where absolutely necessary.
        - Only title of book is in italics.
        - No space before colon after place of publication.
        - The series in which the book appears is mentioned at the end and not placed in brackets.
      • Articles in books with an editor:
        Achtemeier, P., 1997. Finding the way to Paul’s theology. In: J.M. Bassler (ed.), Pauline theology. Vol 1. Thessalonians, Philippians, Galatians, Philemon (Minneapolis: Fortress, SBLSS 4), pp. 3–21.
        The reference is similar to the one for an ordinary book, except that “In:” is added, the editor(s) is/are named and the reference to the place of publication, publisher and series is placed in brackets so that the reference to the page numbers reads more easily. Furthermore, pp. is used.
      • Web pages:
        Vanhaelen, A., 2005, Utrecht’s Transformations: Claiming the Dom through
        representation, iconoclasm and ritual, viewed 18 January 2019, from https://
        - The date on which the article has been reviewed must be indicated.
        - The full web-page address must be cited.